
I wrote this piece ‘Do You See Him?’ after touring with a documentary on human trafficking that featured my story called Stopping Traffic. It discusses the impact of sexual abuse on men .

Overcoming a victim mentality is a matter of perception. If you allow someone to make your world for you, they will always make it too small.

The Importance of Resilience in Overcoming Trauma . In an interview with Chris Lengyel of Help Me PTSD, Melissa and I discuss the importance of resilience in sustainable trauma or PTSD recovery.

Everyone has bad days–sometimes even a string of them put together. When you are dealing with PTSD and learning to manage yourself , there are some things that can really help on those shitty days.

PTSD Is Not A Pissing Competition . I was contacted by a female veteran who made it very clear to me that she believes that REAL PTSD was only something that people in the military could experience. I very firmly and politely disagreed.

It’s difficult to know if someone cares for you when you are dealing with PTSD in relationships.
If you have experienced trauma, some people just want to sit and hear your horror stories. Others want fodder for the gossip machine.

How PTSD Affects Daily Life . When a man’s wife becomes his ‘caregiver,’ the natural order of marriage is destroyed. If a woman acts like your mother, it is impossible to be intimate with her.


#DEALWITHIT is a PTSD self-help book for veterans, police, and trauma sufferers .

What happens when PTSD is triggered .