Finding chronic pain relief might just be a few short clicks away. One of the most effective treatments that we use in our clinic now is the AVACEN Treatment Method. a noninvasive pain management technology platform for people at normal body temperature.

What happens when PTSD is triggered .

Lack of sleep will make you cranky and out of sorts. It will affect your memory, may lead to accidents, weaken you immune system and even make you fat!

Here are 4 simple things I do when I am struggling with PTSD nightmares and flashbacks.

I looked out over the crowd , a mixture of both veterans and nonmilitary personnel. I asked What About Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Self Care? The room was quiet.

Lack of sleep will make you cranky and out of sorts. It will affect your memory, may lead to accidents, weaken you immune system and even make you fat!

Here are 4 simple things I do when I am struggling with PTSD nightmares and flashbacks.

I think “#dealwithit – living well with PTSD” is a book for anyone who has lost it all. If you have been shot at, faced with sudden loss, blown up, screwed over (or in my case, screwed), this book is for you. I like to think of it as duct tape for the soul.” —Dr. John A. King

: Everything I read in relation to PTSD recovery, seems to overlook diet. People don’t take into account the impact of chronic stress and trauma on our digestive tract.

Melissa and I figured out along the way that food impact how I was able to cope with events, days and even whole weeks of activities.

As part of my preparation for writing #dealwithit – living well with PTSD, I conducted a survey of people who had been sexually abused or trafficked world wide. Those that responded were evenly split between both genders.

The expression “Going Postal” derives from a series of incidents from 1986 onward in which United States Postal Service (USPS) workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, and members of the police or general public in acts of mass murder. People would say “Hey did you hear that so and so went postal .

do you know the between #CPTSD and #PTSD?

It is not as complicated as people make out. , I talk about how to live and thrive with them in my book #dealwithit– living well with PTSD. Get it today ! (Pssst – use the code ‘s2s’ to get a 20% discount – covers the shipping most of the time.)